Enraizado: Cuatro Generaciones en Barro Workshop “Rooted: Four Generations in Clay”

Sunday, June 2, 2024

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Valero Learning Centers

$10 for Members, $45 Non-members, $10 Teens

Enraizado: Cuatro Generaciones en Barro Workshop “Rooted: Four Generations in Clay”

Sunday, June 2, 2024

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Valero Learning Centers

$10 for Members, $45 Non-members, $10 Teens


In these workshops, attendees will learn from the artist how her generational artistry has shaped her work and get to explore the different techniques and materials she uses to create her pieces.

Attendants will have the chance to paint their own tree of life, decorate the intricate elements that are a part of the tree, and create a collective mural to be exhibited in the Museum.

Workshop 1: Learn about the meaning behind her work, history of the technique, and the evolutions of materials her family have used. Attendees will also decorate flowers that go on their life tree.

Workshop 2: Attendees will paint their life tree guided by Maestra Veronica.

Workshop 3: Attendees will paint tiles using inspiration from their own stories and the work featured in the exhibitions. They will collectively choose tiles to be featured in a community mural.

For best experience, attendees should sign up for all 3 workshops.

